

Move, Rotate, Scale G/R/S

Table of Contents

Move G

In the Edit mode (vertex/edge/face), you’ve already learned to use the G key for translation.

By the way, have you noticed that the usual 3D manipulator (the three-axis arrows) is not visible on the screen?

Translation, rotation, and scaling can be performed not only with shortcut keys but also with the manipulator.

To display the manipulator, click on the icon in the image and check “Move.”

Not only “Move” but also “Rotate” and “Scale” can be checked to operate translation, rotation, and scaling with the manipulator.

However, since this is a place to master shortcuts, let’s turn off all three checks for now and move on.

Rotation R

Now, let’s move on to rotation.

Select multiple vertices and press R, then move the mouse to see the rotation effect.

Scaling S

Next is scaling.

Select multiple vertices and press S, then move the mouse to see the scaling effect.

Return to Object Mode Tab

The Tab key, which we used to enter Edit Mode, is also used to return to Object Mode.

Press Tab to return to Object Mode.